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Personal Training

Accelerate Your Potential

with a Personal Fitness Coach

A Personal Fitness Coach understands that each client has unique limb lengths, movement skills, and restrictions. My role as your coach is also to monitor your movements and to determine why certain movements might be painful. It takes years of studying anatomy and physiology, learning from experts and, years of experience in the industry that a Fitness Coach is able to observe a client’s entire movement chain, and develop an exercise program to improve a clients movement and reduce pain.


A Fitness Coach also, understands that the better a client moves, the more they will enjoy moving. That’s why the coach focuses on strength and skill acquisition. Instead of turning the client into a quivering puddle of sweat workout after workout, week after week, the coach begins with competence in the fundamental movement patterns. Then increases the clients strengths on exercises within each movement pattern. Development of these core skills means better muscle engagement and response to exercise thus RESULTS.


Finally, training with your personal Fitness Coach keeps you accountable and mentally, physically engaged in purposeful movement. Movement that will get you results, NOT just doing exercises because it's the NEW YouTube hit.

Suitable for Beginners









Professional Trainers

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